God Opens Doors: Embracing Divine Opportunities in Every Season
March 20, 2025 2:04 pm
As you journey through life, you often find yourself standing at the threshold of new opportunities, unsure of what lies ahead. Yet, as a believer, you are reminded that God opens doors of opportunity in every season.
The question is, are you ready to step through these doors with faith and obedience? In this post, we’ll explore how God opens doors in every season of life and how we can recognize and walk through these divine openings.
God’s Encouraging Word for You
“I am for you and not against you. I have blessed you with My FAVOR for a reason. Many doors are about to open for you. I AM the One who has opened up these doors for you for My purpose.
“Where are these doors, you may be asking?
“Seek Me and I’ll show you. Not all of these doors are physical doors. Some of them are Supernatural Doors. I am the DOOR OPENER. You know I open up doors that no one can shut, and shut doors that no one can close.
“On the other side of these doors are people who have been praying for you. I am sending you through these doors to bless them. You are answered prayer for them.
“What about YOU?
“I’ve got that covered too.
“They are on the way, for I have sent them to you.
“Others need your help and you need other’s help. It begins with YOU. Who will you help TODAY? I’ll show you. Whatever you would like others to do to you, do it FIRST.
“Share My love with them as you help them. What do they need help with? For some, it will be very obvious to you. Others, they will tell you. But some who need help won’t ask. So ask them.
“Look for God Opportunities.
“They are all around you. EVERYONE needs help. You have something you can share with them. You have SOMEONE you can share with them too: Jesus Christ.
“What you seek for you will find.
“Ask, seek, and knock.
“They will respond.
“Give them the opportunity to respond to ME. You are in a position to bless others by praying for them. Do you how much that blesses someone when you let them know you are praying for them? How does it make you feel when someone prays for you?
“The more you ask, the more you’ll receive. The more you seek, the more you will find. And the more you knock, the more doors will be opened for you.
“What are you waiting for?
“Ask more, seek more, and knock more.
“Do this for ME. I am leading you to do this for My purpose even when it doesn’t make any sense to you. You don’t have to understand everything I am leading you to do. But I am expecting OBEDIENCE.
“Preparation Time is Productive Time.
“Why not be more productive as you are preparing for the Next Season? There is always going to be a Next Season in your life. I promise you. Seasons come and seasons go. Take advantage of the season you are in right now.
“There is a season for EVERYTHING.
“There are also life lessons to learn in each season. Many of these life lessons you are going to share with future generations. You will have Legacy Life Lessons to share with your family.
“Write down these Legacy Life Lessons.
“Be intentional for your family may not learn these lessons unless you share it them. How will they hear them unless you tell them? Ask Me what they are and I will tell you. I just made it easy for you.
“There is a Reason for Every Season.
“I know it seems like you have been in this season for such a long time. You are not the same person you were when this season began. Look at how much you have changed. Pay attention to the progress you have made.
“A little progress is better than no progress.
“Admit it. You have made progress. Let Me hear you.
“You have learned so much in this season that you can share with others. If you were not in this season, there are lessons you would have never learned.
“Did you know YOU had to learn these lessons for others? Share them so they don’t have to suffer like you did. But also share the successes you have learned during this time in your life.
“Legacy Builders are Intentional.
“You MUST be intentional when you are building a legacy you are leaving behind for your family.
“What if you DON’T leave a legacy behind?
“How will your family be affected?
“You may be the FIRST one in your family line to build a legacy. Are you willing to do that for your family? Are you willing to do it for ME?
“Ask Me what legacy I would like you to leave build and I’ll show you. That way you don’t have to come up with it on your own and possibly miss out on the one I have JUST FOR YOU.”
-Your Loving, Caring, Heavenly Father
God is constantly opening doors of opportunity for His children. By staying attuned to His voice and courageously stepping through these openings, we align ourselves with His divine purpose.
Remember, when God opens doors, no one can shut them. Embrace these opportunities with faith and watch as He works wonders in and through your life. Your family’s legacy depends on it.
Tags: God Opportunities, God's Plan, Leaving a Legacy, Life Lessons, Prophetic Word
Categorised in: Life Lessons, Prophetic Word
This post was written by admin
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