What Is A Soaking Prayer?
September 11, 2018 5:44 pmIf you don’t know what a Soaking Prayer is, you’re missing out. You GET to encounter God like never before as you soak in His presence. Not only will you feel His presence but you will also HEAR Him speak to your heart. Plus healing can take place during your soaking time with God.
Five years ago I was introduced to Soaking Prayers. I was listening to Graham Cooke lead us into God’s presence as I was listening to one of his Soaking Prayers. God was speaking through him to my heart. I was hearing what God was saying directly to me and it changed my life.
What To Expect During A Soaking Prayer
What happens when I am leading a Soaking Prayer is that God speaks through me. I don’t try to guess what He wants to say to His children. When I surrendered my mouth, lips and tongue to God, He speaks through me freely. Imagine God speaking directly to your heart. What would you like to hear Him say to you?
Many don’t realize when they are soaking in His sweet presence, that God is doing “heart surgery”. I highly encourage you to open up your heart for Him to minister to you. The more open you are, the more you will receive from Him His healing touch. So many have been healed just by listening to these Soaking Prayers.
What’s Your Part To Play
I have heard countless testimonies of healing, confirmation and assurance from the Lord. Would you like that and much more? Your part is very simple. Find a quiet place to listen to these Soaking Prayers. Make sure you are in a comfortable position. If you can, lie down. Don’t be surprised if you fall asleep because these soaking times are so restful and peaceful.
Next, ask God this one question He ALWAYS answers…
“Lord, what do YOU want to say to me today”?
How To Receive From God
After you ask that question, then LISTEN and WATCH what the Lord is about to reveal to you during a Soaking Prayer. You may not know WHAT God is going to show you during this soaking time, so make sure you are expectant of a “God Possibility”. One person told me she listens to my Soaking Prayers every day.
When God leads me in a Soaking Prayer, many times I don’t have a specific theme until I start praying. So when you look at my Soaking Prayers you will see a variety of topics. I encourage you to ask the Lord which one HE wants you to listen to each day. God knows exactly what He wants you to receive from Him in that moment.
One thing I do really well is HEAR GOD. One thing I do not do well is play music. So I have asked others to help me with anointed music. God has blessed with a several who have helped me with their music. Check out a few of them on their YouTube Channels.
A friend of mine, Drew Weir and I are going to be leading a Soaking Time at Grace Fellowship in the future. My encouragement to you is to follow me on Facebook so you can watch our Soaking Time LIVE.
What do you receive from God during your Soaking Time with Him?
(Please leave your Comments below. Thank you.)
Tags: Encountering God, Healing from God, Intimacy with God, Soaking in God's presence, Soaking Prayer YouTube
Categorised in: Soaking Prayers
This post was written by admin