Are You Preparing For 2020?
December 3, 2019 5:42 pm
When I ask someone if they are ready for a change, they typically say YES! If I were to ask you, “Are you preparing for change?” what would you say? As you know 2020 is right around the corner and if you’re not preparing for it, you won’t be ready for the new year.
Many of you know that 2020 is going to be a historical year. There has been much build up for this new decade. You have so much to look forward to and now is the time to prepare yourself for 2020.
So how can you start preparing?
1. Ask God For Direction
Only God knows what your future looks like in detail. He desires to show you His plans He has for you. The Message version reveals to us God’s plan, “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
Do you really believe God knows what He is doing?
Are you trusting Him to take care of you?
Do you believe He will NEVER abandon you?
If you say YES to those questions, then you can prepare yourself for what plans the Lord is going to reveal to you for 2020 and beyond. The future God has for you is full of hope.
Since God knows your future, you can ask Him very specific questions about 2020. The more specific questions you ask God, the more detailed answers He will give you.
Why not ask the Lord for specific direction for 2020?
2. Manage Your Distractions
When you decide to prepare for the new year, then you need to take control of the distractions in your life. How can you look into your future when your focus is on distractions?
For example, your phone can be a HUGE distraction in your life you need to learn how to manage. Here is a test to see if you really are in control of your phone.
Every time you get a notification, how quickly do you respond to it?
If you are like most of us, we NEED to check out notifications within seconds. Why is that? Its because we have given our phones control over us. We need to be careful not to make our phones an idol or something we serve.
Social media can also be a distraction in your life. How many times do you need to check how many likes, shares and comments you get on a post? Again are you in control of these distractions or is it the other way around?
God wants to help you prepare for 2020, but you must be willing to lay aside what distracts you from recognizing His still, small voice.
Why not ask the Lord what distractions are in your life and for His help to manage them?
3. Invest Time Dreaming
Once the Lord shows you HIS plans, then its time to dream. What I mean by that is you should only dream of the plans God has for you. Why would you waste time dreaming of something that is NOT God’s will for your life?
God has blessed you with a creative imagination. He wants you to use it for His glory. When you begin to intentionally use your creative imagination to prepare yourself for 2020, your hope will rise up.
Your mind does not know the difference between what you imagine and what is real.
You need to see your future on the inside FIRST before you’ll see it manifest on the outside. The good news is, this is all in your power. Imagine what God wants you to imagine.
I also encourage you to tap into your emotions when you dream what God wants you to dream. Why? Its your emotions that inspire you to take action. Why not get emotionally excited what God has for you in 2020?
As you ask God for direction, manage your distractions and invest in dreaming God’s dreams, you are setting yourself up for the best year of your life.
So now are you preparing for 2020?
Tags: Ask God for direction, Asking God questions, Dream Big, Manage distractions, Wise investments
Categorised in: Preparing Yourself
This post was written by admin
You have given me the most beneficial information, to my intentional questions! Of WHAT AM I TO DO WITH THIS GIFT! Everything I have been asking. Direction, what, why, how come you chose me? I jumped ahead of God because I just had part of His dream. Now I know because He is using you for my directory!♥️♥️♥️I cried a lot, lost sleep, got angry! Is this a blessing or a curse! Now I’ve tamed down and I GIVE ALL GLORY TO GOD-for leading me to you. Your instructions are right on. MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL… I’m in here (your page)for the long run🥊💯🩸🔥♥️
Praise God!!!