How To Overcome Time-Wasters
July 12, 2021 2:34 pm
When you have a personal relationship with God, you get to know His heart for you. He wants you to really understand WHO He is and WHO you are in Christ. How does that happen? You will GET to know God’s heart for you by investing more TIME with Him. Now discover how to overcome time-wasters in your life.
Are you willing to do that for HIM? He is with you all day long. He wants to lead you and guide you throughout the day. Do you let Him? When you know that you know WHO He is, you will love investing more time with Him. Those time-wasters in your life will fall by the wayside.
How God Views Time
The other night, the Lord OPENED the eyes of my understanding on how He views Time. Whenever He wants me to meditate on something that is life-changing, He typically starts with IDENTITY. So, He showed me that I am either a Time Investor OR a Time-Waster. Selah.
Each day, God gives us 24 gifts called hours that we get to fill with whatever we want. He knew that I was filling some of my hours with Time-Wasters. I knew that had to change. What helped me? He said, “Jeffrey, you are a Time Investor.”
Be A Time Investor
What does a Time Investor do? It is one who chooses wisely what to invest in each hour of the day. Every morning, before you get out of bed, you can ask the Lord for HIS Priorities for the day. Why? This is the day THE LORD has made. Since He made it, don’t you believe He knows the end from the beginning? He can show you what to expect before it even happens.
But many times, we get distracted or busy with what? Time-Wasters. Why would choose Time-Wasters over Time Investments? Many times, it’s because that’s what others are doing and we go with the crowd. Since God wants us to understand Him and His heart for us, we need to remind ourselves we are Time Investors.
As a Time Investor, our first priority is investing time with God every day. If we say we cannot fit God into our schedule, then He is NOT #1 in our lives.
Who Is Your #1 Priority?
My encouragement is to make God your #1 priority in your life on a daily basis. Start your day with God. I have friends who will invest an hour in the morning listening, praying, and studying the Bible. Why? They decided to make God #1 in their lives.
If He is not your top priority, repent. Tomorrow morning you can have a fresh start. ONLY God knows what each day looks like and He wants you to understand that knowing WHO He is to you, can make all the difference. Choose to be a Time Investor. Now that you know how to overcome time-wasters, what is your first step?
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Tags: God's priorities, God's understanding, how to invest time wisely, how to overcome time-wasters, what are God's priorities
Categorised in: Managing Distractions
This post was written by admin