Prophetic Word For April 2022 Is…
April 4, 2022 3:41 pm
Did you know when you receive a Prophetic Word, that God wants you to pray over it? Just because a Word is spoken over you, does not mean it will automatically come to pass. The Prophetic Word for April 2022 is a time of momentum for you.
If you have received a Prophetic Word and it has NOT come to pass YET, I highly encourage you to read this blog post to find out what to do with it.
Each month, I really look forward to what God reveals to the body of Christ for the next month. Let’s find out what He wants to share with us, shall we?
“This is a time of year I want you to really get your expectations up higher than ever before. I have something very special I want to reveal to you before Resurrection Sunday.
“Do you want to know what that is?
“Seek ME in the Secret Place. There is much I want to reveal to you there. In fact, only certain things will be revealed to you in the Secret Place.
“This month there will be much movement in the spiritual realm that you will be able to sense. Ask Me what you are sensing, and I’ll have you pray into it.
“Your prayers make a difference.
“I’ll say that again. Your prayers make a difference. Just because you have not seen immediate results when you pray, does not mean I did not answer your prayers.
“Expect a BIG YES when you pray according to My will. I promise I really do hear you when you pray My Word over your situation.
“My Word does not return to Me void, does it? It’s a promise. “That means I desire for My Word to come back to Me. Selah.
“When you understand that My Word coming back to Me is a key to your answered prayers, you will be speaking forth My Word more than ever before.
“I know what I want you to say to Me. I know what Answered Prayers sound like. If you are not sure, ask Me, and I’ll tell you.
“There is more momentum happening in the month of April.
“You are progressing ahead as long as you follow My lead. Let go of the past. Why? Because I want you to reach forward to the future. I want you to focus ahead and not backward. HINT.
“Many divine connections this month too. Ask ME when to go, where to go, and what to do and say when you get there. I’ll tell you. You do like divine connections, don’t you?
“Then seek ME each day this month and ask Me specifically for divine connections for that day, and I’ll answer your prayers. “
Finally, share the Good News with others like never before. Have strategic plans to share the Gospel, especially before April 17. Thank you!”
-Your Heavenly Father
Over this past year, the Lord has really emphasized meeting Him in the Secret Place. Why? It’s a place that is intimate. You’ll receive revelations in the Secret Place. It’s a place of experiencing the LOVE of the Father like no other place.
He desires for you to pray according to His will so He can see it come to pass. If you are not sure what that looks like, ask Him. He will show you.
As believers in Jesus Christ, let’s continue to move ahead and share the Good News with others so they can hear the goodness of God that leads them to repentance.
Now you know what the Prophetic Word for April 2022 is, what are you going to do with it?
Don’t you love reading/hearing testimonies? It’s so uplifting and encouraging.
“I just wept through this. When you prayed for me, it felt so compassionate. This was so encouraging, so confirming, and so faith-building. “I want other people to hear from God like this.” S.W.
Finally, make sure you read the blog post on what to do when you get a Prophetic Word. If you want others to know what the Prophetic Word for April 2022 is, then please share this post with them.
We would not be able to share this Encouraging Newsletter without the support of our partners and friends. Thank you so much for your generosity.
Tags: Answered Prayer, Divine Connections, Faith Building, Prophetic Word, Secret Place
Categorised in: Prophetic Word
This post was written by admin