The Secret of the Unknown
June 2, 2022 1:17 pm
You don’t have to allow fear to stop you from discovering the secret of The Unknown. Are you afraid of getting out of your comfort zone? Is The Unknown scary to you? In these uncertain times, many are just too afraid to step out of their comfort zone because of one word. Fear.
Since God promised you that He has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind, then you can step out of your comfort zone with confidence. He also said in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Did you know that includes The Unknown?
Your Promised Land
What if I told you that your Promised Land is found in The Unknown? Recently, the Lord told me, ” The enemy wants you to be afraid of The Unknown. Do you know why? It’s because that is where you’re going to Rule and Reign. He does NOT want you to get out of your Comfort Zone. He wants you to be complacent.
“Do you really want to know what you have been called to do? It’s time for you to have a whole new perspective of The Unknown. This is a place where you walk by faith and not by sight. This is a place where you have been destined to prosper and thrive. Are you prospering and thriving feeling comfortable in complacency?
“You get to choose to walk through these Open Doors I have opened for you. How many times have I told you to take just ONE STEP OF FAITH and yet disobeyed Me? Why would I tell you to walk by faith and not by sight if you were not capable of doing it?
After Preparation
“I am ONLY going to ask you to do what you will do WITH ME. Do you think I am sending you out all by yourself? Of course not. If you feel like you have been in PREPARATION, you are correct. If you believe I have SET YOU UP, you are correct.
“You could not unlock the doors on your own and you definitely were not able to open up these doors. Why? I know your work. See I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it. (Revelation 3:8) Why would I open doors for you and not want you to walk through them? Instead of being afraid of The Unknown like the enemy wants you to feel, why not get EXCITED?
“You have no excuse not to move ahead. You don’t want to stay where you are, do you? I have so much for you in this place called The Unknown. The good news is that it’s not unknown to Me. Selah. Just because you don’t know what’s on the other side of the Open Doors, should not stop you from walking through them.
“You simply need to KNOW the one who does know and that would be ME. You’re curious why you haven’t experienced MORE PROVISION in your life. It’s waiting for you on the other side of the doors in a place called The Unknown.
In The Secret Place
“Will you seek Me in the Secret Place so I can reveal to you WHERE the Open Doors are for you? Are you willing to you walk WITH Me through these Open Doors now? Will you TRUST Me? Are you willing you believe Me and walk by faith in love and come BOLDLY into The Unknown and claim your inheritance?
“There is much waiting for you. You don’t have to KNOW everything, if you did, then would you need ME? Either you are going to walk in love with Me into The Unknown or stay right where you are at and miss out on your Promised Land.”
Are you now excited about The Secret of the Unknown? I know you’ll like its definition: Something that requires discovery, identification, or clarification. You GET to discover, identify, and clarify what God has set before you. Your Promised Land is waiting for you to overcome the fear of the unknown. Instead of being emotionally paralyzed, why not get enthusiastic and hopeful for what God has waiting for you on the other side of the door called The Unknown.
Check out this Elijah List post on The Secret of the Unknown.
Share in the Comments what encouraged you the most about the Unknown.
Tags: God's Open Door, How to get out of your comfort zone, How to leave your comfort zone, More Provision in your life, Secrets of the Unknown
Categorised in: Trusting God
This post was written by admin