Prophetic Word for April 2023
April 1, 2023 1:46 pm
This month, you’ll be able to see so much MORE clearly because of ONE word the Lord reveals to the Body of Christ. The Prophetic Word for April 2023 will help you get back on course. When you accept this word as an expression of God’s love for YOU, then you will see a turnaround in your life.
Let’s see what the Lord wants to say to the Body of Christ.
Prophetic Word for April 2023
“My promises are always YES and AMEN. Do you believe Me? For when you do, THEN you can expect to see them come to pass for My Glory.
“As for you and your house, are you really serving ME? Selah.
“I know if you are or not. Have I not told you to forsake the old for the new? My new is so much better than the old. I promise you.
“This is a Month of Correction.
“Yes, Correction. That’s a good thing for you because I always correct you in love, don’t I? You’ll thank Me later because I am bringing correction to the Church.
“My Body needs to sound and look like Me, and not the world. I created you in My image and according to My likeness. Do you look and talk like Me?
“When a ship gets off course, it needs to make a correction, true?
“Well, the Church needs to make a course correction. Too much of the world is in the Church. My will is for My Heavenly Culture to influence the world, not the other way around.
“I am telling you this BECAUSE I love You.
“I love My children so much to reveal the lies they have been believing. It’s time to be liberated from those lies once and for all.
“Did My Son come to set the captives free?
“Yes, He did.”
-Your Heavenly Father
One of the MOST DANGEROUS PRAYERS I ever prayed was,
“Lord, correct me, chasten me, rebuke me, and discipline me in LOVE.”
Do you know what He did? He answered that prayer. Do I like what He reveals to me when I need correction? Not in the moment, but I do know it’s best for HIM when I heed His counsel.
He is preparing us for such an outpouring of His Holy Spirit and Power, that we MUST be prepared for HIS Harvest.
Are you personally ready?
One of the best ways to get ready is to REPENT DAILY. In Romans 12:2, Paul tells us NOT to be conformed to the world. No wonder God wants us to repent. He desires that we are conformed to HEAVEN, not the world.
The more you repent, the more you will be like Jesus. Is that what you really want? I encourage you to actually EMBRACE REPENTANCE.
Yes! Why? It will lead to the liberty and freedom that you have been desiring your whole life.
If you choose not to repent, then you are choosing to agree and accept what you are holding onto is more important than turning to God with all your heart.
Repent means to Turn FROM. Turn TO. Change your MIND.
Look at repentance as a good thing that will lead to more deliverance, freedom, and liberty.
You might be thinking, “Jeffrey, this is not such an encouraging word.”
It actually is WHEN you apply it. The CHOICE is up to you.
A Transforming Word Ministries is thankful for your generous support, prayers, and encouragement. We appreciate the emails we receive and praise reports that are such a blessing. THANK YOU!
Tags: Discipline from God, God Loves You, God's correction, Prophetic Word for April 2023, Repent daily
Categorised in: Prophetic Word
This post was written by admin