Prophetic Word for August 2023
July 31, 2023 2:04 pm
When I was in 1st grade, our teacher asked us each week to bring something from home for “Show and Tell.” Did you ever do that? Well, God is about to show and tell you something so LIFE-CHANGING in this Prophetic Word for August 2023.
Before we share what God wants us to know for this month, we want to make many of you aware of our resources you may not be aware of.
TEACHING: Learn How Simple It Is To HEAR GOD
FACEBOOK: Receive Daily Encouragement
ENCOUNTERING GOD: Encounter God’s HOLY Presence
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Prophetic Word for August 2023
“This is a month that is very unique. Pay attention this month for I will reveal much in the Media and even in the Sky.
“Watch and listen to ME when I show you these revealing truths. Do not assume you know what they mean. Come to ME and I will reveal you the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
“I love to share My Love and Goodness with EVERYONE.
“You get to be a part of Me sharing the Good News around the world. You know I ALWAYS tell you the truth. What you hear from others may not always be true, so come to Me and find out what the real truth is, OK?
“I am going to show you where you have been deceived and lied to by others. You are to LOVE everyone. Pray for those who the devil used to deceive you. They must repent and so do you.
“August is a Month of Waiting.
“You GET TO wait upon Me in My Holy Presence. Will you do that? Will you even arrange your schedule to wait for Me to reveal the plans I have for you? I desire for you to KNOW.
“Will you WAIT?
“For how long?
“As long as it takes to receive from Me. YES, you are patient. Don’t disagree with Me. I created you in My image and according to My likeness. As I am patient, so are you in this world.
“Speak PATIENCE over your life and see what happens. Do you want to be MORE patient? Then ask Me to help you and I will.
“Make sure you are ready to take NOTES, a lot of notes in fact. I have so much to SHOW you.
“This month will be a month of Show and Tell.
“What I show you I will tell you what it means. Do NOT assume. Assuming is not healthy for you. KNOWING is much better, isn’t it?
“SLOW DOWN. I mean REALLY slow down. I don’t want you to miss ANYTHING I am about to show you and tell you. This means you are going to have to rearrange your priorities and schedules.
“Are you willing to do that FOR ME?
“I want you to tell Me your answer right now. I’m listening. 👂
“Your WHY is what will inspire and motivate you to wait upon Me UNTIL I show you My plans for your life.
“There is a Pace of Grace.
“There is a Hurry Up Pace.
“Which one do you believe is My will?
“I know you don’t want to miss out on My PERFECT PLAN for your life. Get ready to plan the month of August 2023 of WAITING upon Me to SHOW you and TELL you My plans I have just for YOU.”
-Your All-Knowing Father
August 2023 can be a life-changing month for you WHEN you rearrange your priorities and schedule to WAIT upon the Lord in His Holy Presence.
To help you REST in His presence, I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to listen to our Encountering God Prayers aka Soaking Prayers. There are over 50 of these prayers where you WILL HEAR God speak to you.
We have received so many testimonies from those who were healed, set free, and felt God’s peaceful presence. Is that what you want? Then LISTEN HERE.
We want to thank everyone who has supported A Transforming Word Ministries with prayers, encouragement, and financial blessings.
Now that you know the Prophetic Word for August 2023, who will you share this with now?
Tags: August 2023 Prophetic Word, August 2023 Revelations, Life Changing Plans, Show and Tell, Waiting Patiently
Categorised in: Prophetic Word
This post was written by admin