See Your Life From God’s Perspective
August 4, 2023 2:15 pm
As you begin to SEE your life the way God does, you will be so full of HOPE. You won’t be able to contain the JOY that’s inside of you. If you don’t like certain things in your life, see what God’s encouraging Word is for the body of Christ. Would you like to see your life from God’s perspective?
God Wants You To Know
“You serve a HOPEFUL God. I am going to show you each day what I want you to Hope for. Seek Me early and I will tell you what you can expect for the day.
“Once you know what to Hope for, exercise your Faith in Love. When you do that, you are agreeing with Me. You are abiding in Faith, Hope, and Love, aren’t you?
“There is MORE Power in you than you realize. You have within you the Power that raised My Son Jesus from the dead. You have the same Holy Spirit living with you.
“Do not say you lack the Power. That is a lie. You have more than enough Power in My Word to change your circumstances. They are subject to change.
“You have the name of your Lord Jesus Christ that will give you BREAKTHROUGH. Do you believe this is true for YOU? I know it’s True and you need to believe and agree with Me. I cannot lie.
Excuse Free
“No more excuses. You have MORE THAN enough to change your situation with My Word, Jesus Christ’s name, and Holy Spirit. How do you release My Power?
“You release it through your mouth. You get to choose what you are going to say every day. Your words that you speak have POWER in them.
“Do you want to continue to REHEARSE your circumstances over and over again? Or do you want to confess and believe My promises I have given to you?
“What happens when you speak both? That’s called MIXTURE. Ask Me to REFRAME your perspective of your situation from now on and I promise you I will tell you how I SEE it.
“Do you want to see your life the way I do? Then ask Me. I am more than willing to show you My perspective. I see through the eyes of Grace and Mercy.
Perfect Vision
“Imagine if you saw and said what I see and say. How would that change your life? I can give you PERFECT VISION. You GET TO see what I see.
“Believe Me. I know the end from the beginning. True? I know everything and everyone. I know what can give you BREAKTHROUGH today. You don’t have to be burdened anymore.
“Those burdens are not yours to keep. They were never yours. I did not give them to you. Remember, I can ONLY give you what I have and it’s ALL good, true?
“I have given you an inheritance because you are an HEIR. You do know that heirs have inheritances. Where is it, you may ask? What I have deposited on the inside of you needs to come out.
“It’s time to make WITHDRAWALS. Say what I say to you that you have already even when you don’t see it or feel it. Now that’s faith. Remember the just SHALL live by faith.
“You walk by faith and not by sight. What I say is TRUE. Believe what I say is true for YOU. No more excuses. Believe the Truth. Confess the Truth. See the Truth from My Perspective.”
-Your Loving Father
Today the Lord is giving you His Hope for your situation. He can give you His PERSPECTIVE of how He sees your life. Do you want that? You can ask Him for it. He will give it to you.
This is the day the Lord has made, REJOICE and be GLAD in it. As you begin to SEE your life the way God does, you WILL rejoice. Today you can begin to see your life from God’s perspective.
What He shows you, SAY IT out loud. You need to HEAR it. Why?
So, you can BELEIVE what God is saying to you.
Yes and Amen!
Now can you see your life from God’s perspective?
Tags: Believing God's Promises, Encouraging Word from God, Faith, God's perspective, Hope
Categorised in: God Wants You To Know
This post was written by admin