What’s Father God’s Perspective Of Christmas?
December 23, 2023 2:31 pmWe are praying that all of you have a blessed and memorable Christmas. Imagine knowing what Father God’s perspective of Christmas is. Would you like to know?
Depending upon where you live in the world, you may have been influenced by the world’s culture. Thank God He is the ONLY One who truly knows the Truth of celebrating the birth of our Savior.
Let’s find out HOW He desires you to celebrate.
Father God’s Perspective of Christmas
“I sent My Son into the world for My Kingdom purpose. He was willing to come into the world because of LOVE. You do know He came into your life because of My unending love for you, don’t you?
“His birth was the beginning of a new era on the Earth. There is no one like Him. You know His birth was prophesied. I AM His Father and because of that His blood is righteous, pure, holy, and redeeming.
“How do I desire for you to celebrate My Son’s birth?
Magnify Jesus
“MAGNIFY the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the King of Glory.
“What will you emphasize and talk about on Christmas day?
“He GAVE His life for YOU. He poured out His blood for you. Jesus was born to die for you. Where would you be right now without My Son?
“He sacrificed His body to be beaten and pierced for you. Why did He do all of this? Because you had a problem: SIN. You needed a Savior to come and rescue you from death. He came to redeem you with His blood.
“Celebrate HIM.
“Talk about what Jesus did for you with others on Christmas. Many need to HEAR your testimony of My GOODNESS. Why? It is My goodness that will lead them to repentance.
“Stories will be shared on that day.
“Why not share HIS STORY, since He was the one that changed HISTORY? Selah.
“I would prefer you Celebrating Jesus the KINGDOM WAY and not the world’s way.”
-Your Loving, Generous Father In Heaven
ONLY God knows how we should celebrate the birth of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Are we going to dismiss what He just revealed to us? You know Father God’s perspective of Christmas to share with others.
This could be the MOST memorable Christmas you have ever celebrated. Stories will be shared. Gifts will be given. Gifts will be received.
Please do NOT take for granted WHY you are celebrating what God desires. People must know the TRUTH of WHY Jesus was born. You know, so tell others the Good News.
He died for everyone that you will be meeting with on Christmas. It is His desire that none perish, true?
Share Your Testimony
There is POWER in your personal testimony. It will encourage and give HOPE to those who need it in this season. One of the GREATEST gifts you can share with others is your testimony of what Jesus has done for you.
What if you started THIS Christmas, to make it a tradition of sharing Jesus’ Testimonies? You won’t know how lives will be changed unless you do it. Imagine your loved ones getting saved because they know and believe Father God’s perspective of Christmas.
We look forward to reading and hearing your Praise Reports next week. Make sure you read next week’s Newsletter because we will be sharing the PROPHETIC WORD FOR 2024.
We are thankful for the gifts we have received this year. What a blessing. You can still give your end-of-the-year donation.
Your gifts are giving us MORE opportunities to teach in other countries. Last week we ministered in Kenya via Zoom to ministry leaders on how to hear God’s voice.
We appreciate your willingness and generous hearts.
Tags: Celebrate Jesus, Christmas perspective, Father's perspective, Our Savior is born, Testimony Sharing
Categorised in: God Wants You To Know, Personal Stories
This post was written by admin