Prophetic Word for December 2024: Month of Completion
December 4, 2024 4:43 pm
Have you ever wondered why you have not seen some of God’s promises come to pass in your life YET? You might be surprised. Sometimes, it is an unknown. Other times there are hindrances. The Prophetic Word for December 2024 will encourage you because your current situation can change.
The good news is God is GREATER. What He shares this month for the body of Christ will encourage you. Many of you will say… FINALLY!
Prophetic Word for December 2024
“This month you will see things come to completion. I have set you up all year long. The final pieces of the puzzle are coming to you. They will fit perfectly, I promise you.
“Looking back over this year, you will see that many changes have occurred in your life and worldwide. You will be able to step into what I have promised you. Once it’s complete, it is complete. Believe Me. Do not waver. I am only telling the Truth.
“You will have more clarity looking ahead for many things that have hindered you, will be removed once and for all. You will let go and forsake the hindrances only with My help. You’ll not be able to do it alone. I am your Helper. Let Me help you more and more.
“You will Magnify Me like never before.
“You will choose to magnify My promises where in times past, you chose to magnify problems. My promises are eternal. Problems are temporary. I have the solutions for those problems. Simply ask Me for My Solutions and act accordingly.
“Faith with works is ALIVE.
“You have read that faith without works is dead. What happens when you activate your faith? You will soon find out. I will show you WHAT to have faith for. I will be very specific with you. Trust Me to reveal to you My Details for your life.
“You will SAY things you have never said before.
“Because I am the One giving you these words from Heaven. Yes, heavenly words you will speak and see a shift in the spiritual realm. Do you trust Me to GIVE you My Words? Then OPEN up your mouth and I will fill it with My Heavenly Words.
“Now is the time to get your expectations UP. Why? It is time to start what you could not start in the past. Why? You did not have the final pieces of the puzzle yet. But now you will.
“We must have completion before starting what is new.
“It is the end of the old and the start of the new. The old is coming to an end and the new is arising. Preparation has been your key and so has persistence. When you put those two together, you WILL see My promises come to pass in your life.”
-Your Loving, Caring Heavenly Father
Encouragement: Prophetic Word from the Lord for 2024
Have you been waiting for the “missing puzzle pieces” for a long time? Well, the Lord is bringing them to you this month so you can go do what He has revealed to you. This Prophetic Word for December 2024 can be life-changing for you.
ASK the Lord to reveal them to you. The Bible says, “You have not because you ask not.” So, ask away. When you ask Him for details, then He can give you the specifics.
One question for God can change your life.
Imagine getting a Fresh Start from the Lord. He connects you with the right people. You have the necessary resources needed for His plans and purpose for your life. Why not ask the Lord for a Fresh Start?
You may remember the Prophetic Word from the Lord for 2024. (Read Here) As you review this, see how much of it has already happened in your life.
Remember, YOU have a part to play in it too. Obedience is required.
As we come to the end of 2024, we want to express our gratitude for all the prayers, financial support, and encouragement. You have no idea what a difference you have made in helping A Transforming Word Ministries transform lives through God’s Word.
Tags: Activating Faith, New Beginnings, Pieces of the puzzle, Prophetic Word, Prophetic Word from the Lord for 2024
Categorised in: Prophetic Word
This post was written by admin
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