How to Interpret Praying in Tongues
January 29, 2025 3:04 pm
Have you ever prayed in tongues for hours and had no idea what you just said? You are not alone. Many have never been taught how to interpret praying in tongues.
After reading this article, you’ll know what to do from now on so you can receive understanding from Holy Spirit. Praying in tongues, speaking in an unknown language, and praying in the spirit will all be used here interchangeably.
When you receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, you can speak in an unknown language by the spirit. What good does it do for you if you don’t understand what you are saying?
Hidden, Secret Mysteries Revealed
“For the person who speaks in another language is not speaking to men but to God, since no one understands him; however, he speaks mysteries in the spirit.” 1 Corinthians 14:2
Did you notice you speak mysteries?
In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the original meaning of mystery means, hidden religious truth with religious significance revealed by God.
Whenever you speak these mysteries, you are releasing hidden, secret truths that Holy Spirit will give you the interpretation.
“But we speak God’s wisdom in a mystery. the wisdom once hidden [from man, but now revealed to us by God, that wisdom] which God predestined before the ages to our glory [to lift us into the glory of His presence].” 1 Corinthians 2:7
Do you know what is in the mysteries? Wisdom. Hidden wisdom.
Solomon encourages us to get wisdom and to get understanding. Why?
“Wisdom is of utmost importance, therefore get wisdom, and with all your effort work to acquire understanding.” Proverbs 4:7
Since he tells us that wisdom is of utmost importance, then how do you get it? You release it when you pray in tongues. That makes you a Wisdom Releaser.
Your Own Personal Interpreter
Every time you speak in tongues, you are releasing wisdom that Holy Spirit will interpret for you. Imagine knowing how to interpret praying in tongues with ease.
Would you like to know how simple it is to receive interpretations from Holy Spirit?
Imagine traveling to a foreign country and not speaking its language. You have no technology to help you with interpretation. The only way you understand what anyone is saying in that language is through an interpreter.
Holy Spirit is your own, personal interpreter.
You don’t have to guess, or ask anyone what the meaning was when you spoke in tongues. Why? Because you ask Holy Spirit to give you the interpretation every time you speak this unknown language.
Let’s use the example of you needing an interpreter in another country. When they speak, the interpreter listens and then gives you the interpretation.
It works the same when you speak out the mysteries in the spirit. Remember, what you are saying in an unknown language to you, right? Holy Spirit wants to give you the interpretation, but there is one big problem.
After you ask Him for the interpretation, you are not WAITING patiently for His revelation.
When you receive an interpretation from an interpreter in a foreign country, you wait patiently for the translation. You know your interpreter understands what was spoken to you. He wants to explain to you in your language what was spoken.
Your Heavenly Language Teacher
Our citizenship is in Heaven. Your home is Heaven. You are a pilgrim on Earth. The definition of pilgrim is one who journeys in a foreign land. You are visiting Earth because Heaven is your home.
Since that is true, you must learn your native language: Spirit.
The good news is Holy Spirit is your teacher. He has been sent to help you and teach you your native language. Holy Spirit will help you learn how to receive interpretations when you pray in tongues.
The only time He can give you an interpretation is when you pray mysteries in the spirit.
You speak mysteries and Holy Spirit gives you the interpretation. If you don’t do that, then how can you receive an interpretation? You can’t.
Let’s make this very simple for you to receive interpretation from Holy Spirit EVERY TIME you pray in tongues.
Before you pray, ask Holy Spirit to give you the interpretation of the mysteries and wisdom you are releasing. You will be able to interpret praying in tongues from now on.
Listen and watch what He reveals to you.
Be patient for His revelations He reveals to you.
Discuss with Holy Spirit the meaning behind the interpretation so you can understand the mysteries.
Free Gift
If you want an in-depth study of praying in tongues, this book with change your life. It will give you a greater understanding of what happens when you pray in the spirit.
You will receive so much revelation. As you read this book, there will be an increased desire to pray in tongues than ever before. Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.
The Walk of the Spirit – The Walk of the Power
If you have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit yet, go to the very end of the book, pray the prayer, and expect to pray in tongues.
Tags: Heavenly Language, Interpreting tongues, Praying in the spirit, Praying in tongues, Spiritual gifts, Understanding tongues
Categorised in: Prayer
This post was written by admin
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