A Day in the Life of a Prophet
February 19, 2025 3:01 pm
Have you ever wondered what a day looks like in the life of a Prophet? I’m going to share with you the behind-the-scenes details of my life. I have never shared some of what you are about to read with anyone.
Starting My Day
My day in the life of a Prophet begins the night before going to bed early. How early you ask?
Over the past several months, the Lord has led me to go to bed between 7 and 8 p.m. Why so early?
Because He likes it when I wake up early before sunrise to seek Him. It’s still dark out when I begin talking with the Lord. It is much easier for me to hear Him because it is so quiet this time of day.
In the past, I got irritated and frustrated when He woke me up in the middle of the night. Now, I cherish those times hearing His still, small whisper in my heart.
We begin the day by talking with each other.
I give Him thanks and praise before I get out of bed. We may commune for an hour before opening my Life Manual – The Bible.
This may surprise you.
I do NOT read my Bible.
I STUDY my Bible. There is a big difference between reading and studying. I’ve discovered our Life Manual comes with a Teacher. His name is Holy Spirit. Since 1992, He has taught me revelation after revelation every time I study the Bible.
Walking with God
When the weather cooperates, this is one of my favorite times of the day. Why?
Because this is the time to intercede, pray in the Spirit, and listen to what the Lord would like to reveal to me for the day.
Plus, I enjoy getting outside in God’s nature.
There are many times He shows me things I would have never noticed before. He knows I am always looking for deer. Why? Deer is my favorite animal. It goes back to when I was a child visiting my relatives in Wisconsin and seeing so many deer.
Over the years, we have walked thousands of miles together listening and talking with each other. Sometimes, when I pray for others, I am so caught up in the spirit, that I am unaware of the natural surroundings.
Journaling with God
After our walks in the morning, I am eager to journal with God. This started over a decade ago on my little Acer computer.
When I first started to journal, it was more like a diary. I would share what happened throughout the day. But then, one day I began a CONVERSATION with the Lord.
I call it my Conversation Journal.
This is where we get to have a personal, intimate conversation. We talk about anything and anyone.
I’ll be honest with you.
Some of the things I wrote that I “thought” were God, were me hoping God would say it. So, if you believe I have always heard God correct 100% of the time, SURPRISE!!!
I also like to use LARGER FONT when I type.
Over the years I have written over 15,000 pages in my journal. It has been an investment of time. It’s been one of the wisest investments I’ve ever made.
What is in my journal?
I would say that over 80% of the words in my journal are from God. That seems like a lot, but He has a lot to say.
This is where we get to create together.
It all begins here.
One sentence at a time. If you are curious how A Transforming Word Ministries was birthed and grown over the years, now you know how we did it.
Giving Love Letters
For those unfamiliar with that phrase, it means that God speaks/writes through me Love Letters from Him for others. They are more than prophecies.
It also includes words of knowledge and words of wisdom, and healing is released through these Love Letters.
What’s the difference?
The way I explain this to others is simple to understand.
A word of knowledge is what has happened or is happening in someone’s life. A word of wisdom helps them make a decision. Prophesy is what the Lord reveals about the future and has the power the change the present.
The Lord has blessed me with these gifts to share with others around the world. This past week, I met believers from Nigeria, Canada, Australia, and Mexico. They all were blessed by the Love Letters they received from the Lord.
Whoever the Lord highlights each day, I send them a Love Letter.
Recently, I have been using the new app called GLEAM to share these encouraging Words from Heaven. You can download it on your phone.
What I like about it so much is that it records and transcribes the audio. Plus, it will highlight the Main Points, give you a Summary, Follow Up Questions, Action items, and more.
Teaching God’s Revelations
I went to college to be a teacher and a coach. No one would have ever seen how I would those gifts to serve the Lord.
As a Prophet, I believe I have two responsibilities.
First and foremost is to share words from the Lord. Why would He give me this prophetic gift and not show me how to use it for His Glory?
Here is another surprise for you.
When I am giving a Love Letter, I learn so much about God’s Heart. He gives wisdom and revelation from Heaven that I get to teach.
That brings me to my second responsibility as a Prophet.
Teaching. I believe I have a gift to teach the body of Christ how to hear God’s voice. The teaching is so simple that an 8-year-old could understand it.
The Lord doesn’t want anyone to rely solely on a Prophet to hear from Him. That is why He has equipped us with the gift to teach so others can also prophesy.
He allows me to teach His Revelations with friends, those in the ministry, and now those in the Marketplace.
For example, as a day in the life of a Prophet, I have been invited to two Business Masterminds.
It is an honor for me to share the gifts from the Lord with them. I’ll get to share in 90 seconds what I do and how it can bless the businesses they are leading.
Ending My Day
As I shared before, the Lord likes it when I go to bed early. I may stay awake for an hour before I fall asleep as I listen to Him. If I am not studying the Bible, then I am studying a book the Lord has led me to read.
He gives me so much revelation even when I am studying Christian books.
My last surprise.
When I read a statement in a book that I am not sure if it lines up with God’s will, I’ll ask Him for His perspective. Many times He says, “That’s their opinion.” That means He is telling me that He does not agree with that statement and neither should I.
Over the past several months, my dreams have been so vivid. The Lord has helped me to remember my dreams.
I’ve realized recently, that this is one way the Lord communicates. What is so exciting now is that He is giving me the INTERPRETATIONS of my dreams.
How did that happen?
I asked Him.
I’ll be honest with you, it takes a lot of focus and attention for me to receive His interpretations. A few of my friends have been doing this for years, so I ask them for their insights.
Now you have a better idea of what a day in the life of a Prophet looks like. Every day is different and unique, but for the most part, what I shared with you is typically what I look forward to.
I am not saying ALL Prophets have days like this. But I do know the Lord led me to share with you what a day in my life as Prophet looks like.
Tags: Bible Study, Divine communicaitons, Prophetic gift, Prophetic Lifestyle, Spiritual routines
Categorised in: A Prophet's Life
This post was written by admin
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