Expect A Time Of Refreshing
October 8, 2019 5:44 pm
When you expect a time of refreshing, you will experience a transformation in your life. You are entering into a new season where old things will not appeal to you anymore. Why? Because refreshing starts with repentance.
Most people do not like the word “repentance” but it’s actually a liberating word. When you look up the definition it means to change your mind for the better. Once you start renewing your mind with the truth, the transformation will take place.
God knows where you are right now. He has been setting you up since the beginning of time. He is excited for you to enter into this new season of your life. You’ll look back over your life and know what you have gone through was all worth it.
One Word Can Change Your Life
Have you ever read a Scripture verse that totally changed the way you look at your life? Today I was reading Acts 3:19 and my life will never be the same as I studied this verse.
” Repent ye therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.”
What got my attention was the phrase “times of refreshing”. When I looked it up in Strong’s Concordance, I found what I’d been looking for. One word that changed my life.
The word ‘times’ in Greek is kairos. It means “a fixed and definite time; opportune or seasonal time; the right time”. God is about to show you what your “Kairos Moment” looks like from His perspective.
God Is Refreshing You
I know what it’s like to be refreshed in the presence of the Lord. There is no other place I’d rather be. It feels like a cool breeze on the inside that can only be God.
The word refreshing in Acts 3:19 means “cool, refreshing, a recovery of breath, revival”. NOW do you expect a time of refreshing in your life?
I like to say “Anything GOD Can Happen.” What God wants to do in your life is to refresh you in a way where you are transformed. Maybe you have been stressed and anxious. That can all go away when you choose to be refreshed in the presence of the Lord.
Remember your life is not your own. You belong to God and He wants to minister through you into the lives of others around you. He will stretch you for sure. God wants His love to flow in you and through you. He wants His love to manifest in those you come in contact with for His glory.
Get Ready For Revival
Anytime you expect a time of refreshing from the Lord, you can also expect a revival. This next revival isn’t just for you. It’s going to bring the masses to know that Jesus Christ IS the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The good news is you get to be a part of it too.
So how can you get ready for revival?
Look at Acts 3:19 again. It all begins with choosing to change your mind for the better, aka repent. You can start today by turning away from what is NOT God’s will for your life. As you turn away from idols, for example, you will be turning your face to God
What you behold, you become.
The Passion Translation describes what happens when you magnify the Lord in your life in 2 Corinthians 3:18...
” We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
Are you ready for your Kairos Moment?
Are you in a position to experience a time of refreshing from the Lord?
Will you turn away from idols and behold the Lord’s face?
If so, then get ready to experience a transformation like never before. God is going to use you mightily in this next move of God.
Tags: Acts 3:19, How God refreshes you, How to get ready for revival, Kairos Moment, Meaning of times of refreshing in the Bible, New season for my life, Time of refreshing Bible verse, Times of Refreshing, Times of refreshing in the Bible
Categorised in: Intimacy With God
This post was written by admin
This totally blessed me… I believe God is stretching me right now .
Praise God! Get used to being stretched by the Lord.
Amen..I agree I believe that God stretching me right now in the Name of Jesus.
Cathy, when God is stretching, you can expect to receive MORE from Him than ever before. It is also a time to stretch your faith. Be blessed and share your Praise Reports with us. Thank you!