Love Gives You Answers
October 29, 2019 7:18 pm
God created you to seek Him for answers. The Bible says that God IS Love. Since He is Love and He knows everything, go to Him with your problems.
Many times we ask others for their opinions about our problems. They really don’t know what the answer is to your situation. But God does. He knows you better than anyone else and He is with you to help you.
So how can love give you answers?
1. Acknowledge what’s your problem
Has anyone ever said to you, “What’s your problem?” Do you think they really want to know what you are struggling with? Most likely not. They just want you to get over it. That’s easy for them to say.
Maybe you don’t know EXACTLY what your problem is, but God does.
If you could only go to one person to find out the solution to your situation, God is the one to go to. He not only knows the solution, but He also knows what caused your problem.
So it begins with asking God to reveal to you specifically what your problem is and what caused it. What YOU think is your problem, could be a symptom. HINT.
2. Stop trying to figure out the answer
You can either try to figure out the solution to your problem or trust God. In Proverbs 3:5 in the Message version, you’ll see how guessing doesn’t work for you. “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own.”
You may have a very creative imagination. In fact, you truly enjoy trying to figure things out on your own. But do know why that’s a problem?
When you try to guess or figure things out on your own, you’re not sure if its the BEST answer. Also you are trying to find a solution without God’s help.
God created you to truly trust Him with all your heart. He did not want you to lean on your own understanding. Jesus reminds us that, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Wouldn’t you rather God giving you the best answer possible?
3. Love overcomes everything
I’ve been a reading a book by Katherine Ruonala called “Life With The Holy Spirit.” I highly encourage you to read this life changing book.
God sent Holy Spirit to be your helper, counselor, teacher and comforter. Since He has been sent to you, why not receive His help?
Katherine said in her book…
“When Jesus walked on the Earth, He always manifested Himself as the answer to everyone who came to Him with a problem. He is love and He is the answer.”
Think about that last sentence for a moment.
Jesus is love. Jesus is the answer.
You have access to Jesus, don’t you? That means you have access to the answer you’ve been searching for the whole time. The good news He CANNOT lie to you. In other words, He only tells you the Truth.
The Bible also tells us in 1 John 4:18, “Fear is not in love— rather, perfect love throws fear out, because fear has punishment. And the one fearing has not been perfected in love.”
If you truly want God’s answer for your problems, don’t be afraid of His answers. God’s love truly does overcome problems. Love gives you answers when you are open to receiving them.
Once you acknowledge your problems and trust God for HIS answers, then let love give you answers.
Tags: Answers to problems, God is love, Jesus is the answer, Overcoming, Trust God
Categorised in: Trusting God, Uncategorized
This post was written by admin