Prophetic Word for March 2025
March 1, 2025 3:08 pm
What if you KNEW that the Lord is giving you the GREEN LIGHT? In the March 2025 Prophetic Word, the Lord is giving you permission to do something you’ve dreamed of doing.
Also, you’ll read an amazing HEALING testimony that saved a woman from having to have surgery.
Let’s see what the Lord is saying to you for the month of March.
March Prophetic Word
“Do you know what time it is?
“It’s GO TIME!
“For some, it may have seemed like a long season of waiting. Now you are in a position to GO because of much preparation. You must be prepared BEFORE you go.
“It has not been wasted time either. I have been working all things together for those who love Me and called according to My purpose.
“There is a Reason for a Season.
“You may wonder why seasons have to take SO long. There are many things we are working on together. Don’t feel like it’s your fault for delays.
“There is a Reason for Delays.
“You don’t have to be discouraged now. Do you know why?
“It’s GO Time!
“It may have felt like you have been MARCHING in place and not making any progress. That is not true. You have made SO much progress.
“Ask Me and I’ll remind you where you started and where you are right now. Some may not notice a difference, but I sure do. You are making progress when you know you are not the same as you were when you began this journey with Me.
“March is a Launching Month.
“You will get to launch things that you have waited for years to launch. The resources are now being released. You will have so much favor and will receive more help than ever before.
“How can you GO unless you are willing to LEAVE?
“Are you willing to leave now? Are you willing to let go of the past for My Bright Future I have for us?
“If so, then it’s time to discard and purge things from your life.
“There is no reason for you to take certain things into your future. What things you ask?
“I will tell you AFTER you ask Me.
“Some things were in your life for a season. Since the season has come to an end, it is time to let them go. Why is this so important?
“Because we are making room for the NEW.
“When you let go of the old, then I will lead you to the new. Remember everything you have BELONGS to Me. I know what to do with everything you are managing for Me.
“When you are willing to let go, then you are positioning yourself for the new in this GO TIME.
“Where are you going with Me?
“Only I know. You must come to Me and ask for details. I’ll give you the specifics when you ask for them.
“This does not mean I am telling you to find a new place to move to. The moving begins on the inside of you. I’ll help you discern what GO TIME is for you personally.
“You get to try new things, experience new adventures, and develop new, healthy relationships. You have nothing to be afraid of either. Instead, get EXCITED because now you will be FREE to live the life you are meant to live for Me. Amen!”
What have you dreamed about that you’ve always wanted to LAUNCH? As you can see in the March 2025 Prophetic Word, it’s YOUR Go Time!
The Lord is giving the Green Light to launch it. Make sure you get His wisdom and discernment on how to do this for His Glory.
It’s Your Go Time!
Start getting excited. Begin to dream again. This time dream BIGGER than ever before. Make sure they are GOD DREAMS. He likes those the best. 😀
Take action from the March 2025 Prophetic Word and see God’s Dreams He has just for you Launch high!
Testimony Time
Last week, I had the opportunity to pray for a woman who had injured her shoulder at work and for her left ear. She could only hear noises in that ear.
After giving her a Love Letter, she mentioned she was going to have surgery on her left ear. I asked if I could pray for her. It was a short prayer.
Then I asked her to test her right shoulder. She was able to do arm circles in both directions with NO Pain. Thank you, Jesus!
She plugged her right ear and asked me to speak to find out if she could hear what I was saying. As soon as I began to speak, she said she could hear me clearly. Praise You, Jesus!
My encouragement to you when someone needs healing, ask them if you can pray for them. Then take authority over what has hindered them from receiving their healing.
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Tags: Dream God Dreams, God's Timing, Prophetic Word, Prophetic Word for March 2025, Spiritual growth
Categorised in: Prophetic Word
This post was written by admin
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