Why You Need To Go To The Next Level
July 11, 2022 11:44 am Leave your thoughtsIf it seems like you have been in a Holding Pattern, it's possible God has been preparing you for your Next Level. Find out why it's so important to...
If it seems like you have been in a Holding Pattern, it's possible God has been preparing you for your Next Level. Find out why it's so important to...
What is there were 3 easy steps to study the Bible where you can actually understand what the Bible passage mean. Find out these 3 tips that will...
This month's prophetic word will be so encouraging because you already HAVE something God is going to use to be glorified. Find out how you can discover what that is now.
God has an answer for your broken heart. It's His love that will heal any hurts, pain, or wounds. Find out how you can finally receive healing in your heart GOD's WAY.
God is preparing your for you Pivot Day. It will take His wisdom and guidance. Discover what to expect when your Pivot Day arrives.
Imagine you hearing God voice when you journal with Him. What can you do to hear His voice? Find out 3 simple ways you meet with God when you journal with Him.
If you knew your preparation season is over, what would you do? Find out what happens when God gives you the greenlight Go!
It's time for you to be free from hurt and pain. Learn how you can be free so you can love like you've never been hurt.
What if you could walk in so much peace in the Unknown? The Prophetic Word for June 2022 will give you insight how you can experience this peace.
If you are too afraid of getting out of your comfort zone, read a prophetic word from the Lord that will set you free into the Unknown. It won't be secret anymore.