Prophetic Word For 2023
January 9, 2023 5:47 pm
If you are curious about what God’s prophetic word for 2023 is, then get your expectations up for a History-Making-Memorable year. God has open doors for you and as you walk through these open doors with Him, this is what you can expect:
“This YEAR you will see more OPEN DOORS than ever before. Ask for discernment so you know which doors I want you to go through. Not all the open doors will be My will for you.
“As you seek Me, EXPECT Me to answer you. Get your expectations up for 2023, for when you do, you will experience MORE of My GLORY. Is that what you want?
“This is a Year of Entrances.
“Yes, I have gone before you and opened up entrances for you to walk through with ME. You are not going through these entrances alone. You will know that you know that these are from Me for you will seek Me and I will tell you.
“I will make it VERY OBVIOUS to you.
“Right now you are on the outside of these entrances that I have prepared for you. I have already gone before you in 2023 and made a way for you that you did not believe was possible.
“I am the God of Possibilities.
“You will see Me do great and mighty acts right before your eyes this year. Remember to get your expectations UP. What you expect, you can experience. Why not be hopeful this year no matter what is going on around the world?
“As you seek ME this year for the entrances, ask Me for My WHY. You need to know the reason I have prepared them for you. Ask Me what you can do to PREPARE YOURSELF to enter in, for when you enter in, you will be expecting My Possibilities.
“No more hesitation. No more delayed obedience. This is a year of great wonder and amazement. You will see and experience what I have for you WHEN you obey Me.
“Your obedience is key in 2023.
“Do not allow others to hold you back by their opinions. What I say to do, DO! Remember do not hesitate. Immediate Obedience. You will be known for your obedience. I will make sure of that.
“Will everything you do in 2023 make sense right away to you? No, but do it anyway.
“There are many on the other side of these entrances I have prepared for you. Again, your obedience is key this year. This will propel you for years to come because you will be used to immediate obedience.
“There are blessings awaiting you on the other side of the entrances.
“These blessings you will share with the world. Be selfless and very generous. All of this abundance I have promised you belongs to Me. I have blessed you with MUCH so you can be more of a blessing.
“You will not end 2023 the way you began it.
“Much will change in the world this year. I promise you. You will see many changes in all countries around the world. I have heard the prayers of the saints. I have heard your prayers. When you pray according to My Word and My Will, I will say YES!
“There will be UNITY in the Body of Christ in 2023 as well.
“You will play a part in this. Begin with other believers you already know and agree in unity with My promises. Will you do that for Me?
“The more unity, the better.
“MY will is coming to pass this year like never before. I thank you in advance for your immediate obedience. There are so many blessings that I will bestow upon your obedience. Remember to be gracious and generous with the blessings.
“I will give you many instructions in your Secret Place with Me. I have been inviting you to our Secret Place for quite some time. The more you wait for ME in our Secret Place the more clarity you will receive for 2023.
“I am so looking forward to this year. Many angels will come and visit you. You need a lot of help, don’t you?
“2023 will go down in History as a Memorable Year like none other.
“I encourage you to write down what happens this year, so you can share it with the next generations. I want you to share these testimonies for years to come.
“Are you expectant for a Year of Entrances?
“They already exist. Seek Me in the Secret Place to find out where they are and how to be prepared for them.
“Immediate OBEDIENCE is key for you in 2023.”
-Your Heavenly Father
Now you know what to expect in 2023 for you. I encourage you to read this OUT LOUD again and again. You will see and hear things you did not notice the first time you read this. What God is speaking to your heart right now is resonating within you. You might be wondering, how you’ll experience these open doors and entrances. What is the key for you?
God made it very obvious that He is expecting immediate obedience from you. Remember this: Whatever God is telling you to do, you can do it WITH HIM. He will never ask you to do anything on your own. Why is that important? It’s important because when you have a willing and obedient heart, then you can expect the blessings God has promised you on the others side of these entrances.
Are you ready for IMMEDIATE OBEDIENCE?
If you choose NOT to obey Him, what will you miss out on? You don’t want to find out, do you? You GET TO obey Him and bless others who are waiting for you on the other side of the entrances. Why do you think God has gone ahead of you in 2023? He has prepared a way for you to walk in His light. The more you follow Him on this path of light, the better. You know what else?
Have you desired to give more? God gave you that desire and He has also given you all things that pertain to life and godliness. God has promised you that He has ALREADY provided all your needs according to His riches and glory by Christ Jesus. Do you believe He is telling you the truth?
When God speaks through prophecies, you need to know what to do with them. You may receive words of prophecy for today, but if you don’t know what to do with them, you may not see it all come to pass. Find out what you can do to see daily prophecies come to pass in your life.
You are blessed to be a blessing. Imagine having so many resources this year and beyond, that you can freely give to who God leads you to give to. Remember, no more hesitation or delayed obedience. Why start the year off with immediate obedience? Ask the Lord how He wants you to bless someone today. When you ask, He will answer you.
Finally, this Prophetic Word for 2023 promises a History-Making-Memorable Year like never before. Dream BIG! You get ONE chance to live this year. Let’s make the most of it, shall we?
Tags: 2023 Is The Year Of, Daily prophecies, Prophecies, Prophesy words, Prophetic, Prophetic Word, Prophetic Word for 2023, Prophetic Word for today, Word of prophecy for today, Words of prophecy for today
Categorised in: Prophetic Word
This post was written by admin