How to Overcome Loneliness
January 22, 2025 3:11 pm
You are not alone. It may feel that way. Loneliness can feel so isolating. You wonder if anyone even notices you. When you learn how to overcome loneliness, your life will never be the same.
I understand what isolation feels like. For most of my adult life, I have been alone, apart from others. There have been many days when I talked to NO ONE. In fact, over the past decade, I have been by myself that I have with others.
You may have not felt this isolated. However, you may have felt unwanted or forgotten.
Let’s begin with what causes loneliness in the first place.
Causes of Loneliness
The focus is on YOU. That is why it is called self-centeredness. But who wants to admit they are self-centered? I will. I’ll admit it. Do I like it? Of course not.
The good news is there is a cure for self-centeredness.
It’s as simple as changing your focus.
Yes, really.
When you focus on others, then you are taking the focus off of yourself.
You can get into a habit of loneliness without you even being aware of it.
Habits are created by choice. Sometimes you develop habits on purpose, and other times unintentionally.
You may not be conscious that one reason you feel lonely is because it is now a habit. Thank God habits can be broken and new ones can be created.
When you believe that no one loves you, they don’t want to be with you, and no one even cares about you, then you live out those beliefs.
Unfortunately, you don’t know when these beliefs originated. For most people, it starts in their childhood. Someone said something or did something to them that led to loneliness.
The truth is you are NOT alone.
When you believe this truth, then you can break free from the patterns of loneliness. Once you are free, then you can develop healthy relationships that you never had before.
No matter what problem you are facing right now, there is always a solution.
Let’s find out how you can overcome loneliness once and for all.
Overcoming Loneliness
It always begins with Identity. Where does your True Identity come from?
It comes from your Creator. He is the One who created you for His purposes. However, before you discover your True Identity, it starts with you knowing God’s True Identity.
Why is this so important?
Because your identity comes from God’s identity.
Genesis 1:27 gives you insight into True Identity. “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
Before you were ever born, God created you to be just like HIM.
Think about that for a moment.
You were created to be LIKE God.
You were not created to be alone. In fact, you are NEVER alone. Hebrews 13:5 assures you that, “For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
You may be thinking…
“If God is with me, then why do I feel so lonely?”
“If God is with me, then why do bad things happen to me?”
“And if God is with me, then why am I so afraid?”
You will soon find out the answers to these questions.
Now that you know how important it is to know and believe in your True Identity, it’s time to uncover the solution to your loneliness.
What if loneliness is not yours?
What do I mean?
Lonely is not WHAT you are. Then what are you?
You are LOVED. You are God’s creation. You’re accepted by God. You are blessed by God. You’re chosen by God. You are priceless. You’re special. You are unique. You are one-of-a-kind.
When you study the Bible, you will discover the Truth of who you are and what you are. If there is ONE book I recommend you study for the rest of your life, it is the Bible.
You will learn that the Bible is your LIFE MANUAL. This is the Best Selling book of all time and it is the #1 book given away to others. Your Who and What truths will help you overcome loneliness.
It does not matter where you are, you are NEVER ALONE.
Think about this for a Moment. God is everywhere. He is all-knowing and all-powerful. God is SO BIG and is always with you.
Now, you make FEEL lonely, but the truth is you are not alone. He is with you right now as you read this. Believe this truth for it will set you free from loneliness.
It does not matter if you are by yourself or in a crowd, God is with you. Focus your attention on GOD and see what happens. Your heart will be filled with hope and gratitude knowing He is with you.
The times you feel lonely are when you believe it is true for you. Since God is ALWAYS with you, that means there is never a time you can be lonely.
Remind yourself throughout the day and especially at night that God is always with you. Meditate on this truth. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He will WHEN you ask Him.
What if you changed the WHY questions you ask yourself?
Instead of asking…
“Why do I feel alone?”
“Why am I alone?”
You can ask these questions instead:
“Why is God always with me?”
“Who with never leave me nor forsake me?”
“Why did God create me to be with Him?”
You can make a list of all the reasons why you are FREE from loneliness. The best way is to write down Scripture verses that support this truth.
Read them OUT LOUD each day. When you do, it helps you remove the lies and reinforces the truth that you are NOT lonely, but loved, accepted, and chosen by God.
The HOW questions are where many get stuck. Have you ever asked them and felt frustrated? I know I have.
Here is the best way I’ve discovered to receive the How Answers.
Leave the Hows up to God.
It’s that simple.
And doable.
That means you will learn how to trust God with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. You will acknowledge Him in all your ways and He directs your paths and makes them smooth.
You don’t have to figure out the HOWS anymore. If you are honest with yourself, were you really that good at it? If you are like me, it was more like playing the Guessing Game.
Now that you know how to overcome loneliness, where do you begin?
It ALWAYS starts with WHO.
Who God is and Who you are. You get to change your focus, habits, and beliefs to work for you and not against you. Why not get into the habit of reminding yourself of who you are each day?
Commit to studying the Bible.
Most people don’t study the Bible. They read it. There is a big difference between the two. Choose to be the one who studies your Life Manual.
Finally, if you truly want to overcome loneliness and bless others, then share this article with others who feel lonely.
You will learn it is more blessed to give than to receive.
Today, take the first steps to overcoming loneliness.
Tags: Breaking habits of isolation, Christian living, Faith and emotional healing, Finding identity in God, Overcoming loneliness
Categorised in: Emotional Healing
This post was written by admin
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